Category: Heart
The most beautiful faces fades. A beautiful soul is forever. People are so busy looking at the beautiful face that they pass right by the beautiful heart & soul. ~ Freda Gordon There are still people with beautiful hearts and soul. You don’t have to look for them they are right in front of you. You just …
Follow your heart but take your brain with you. Only when you follow your heart, you can be happy. I have followed my heart & I will never regret even if I did get hurt in the end because I am a person full of love & sure there’s a reason to follow your heart. ~ Antoinette …
Someone once told me of a dream they had where God had asked them, “What is wrong with my colour scheme?” to which she replied ‘sorry I don’t know what you mean’ God said ‘ Well I made people black,white and brown and the sky blue the grass green the flowers red, purple e.t.c. He then …
Life is one big school of hard knocks, but we never should feel bad about our past experiences those really made us who we are today. ~ Förnamn Efternamn Sometimes we trust someone for no reason at all. It’s just that we feel happy in their company or when they are with us. Heart is always pure …
Better to be poor in finances and rich in spirit, than it is to be the other way around! I don’t have much in my earthly bank Account, so it is only what is in my heart. I would rather treasures in heaven. ~ Pushparanee Ratnesar I prefer the richness coming from the heart because it will …
It may not be easy but well worth the effort because the people, person or thing that has hurt you is probably no affected in any way and living their life with no thought of you or the fact that they have caused this hurt to you. They will / would probably say they didn’t hurt …