Category: Heart

How all your stress will melt away?

Hugs from you always make my day better my love. ~ Brett Gass    Sometimes you have to be the hugger that melts the stress away. You may never know where, when or how a hug will affect someone. ~ Carl Witham    It’s like time stops when we hug and I could just stay in that place …

If you always trust your mind

Don’t cling to things which attract the eyes, cling to things which resonate with your soul. ~ Ananda Tulan    Your heart and listening is where God lives inside and directs us. ~ Cora Ashby   When it comes to heart it hurts, there’s no guarantee just take the risk at least you try rather than you did …

If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer

After being used, abused, and betrayed, I used to do this and found myself profoundly unhappy and unnecessarily preoccupied. There is nothing productive or satisfying about waiting around for Karma to exact some measure of revenge for you. It’s much easier and more gratifying to let go and trust God’s will, plan, and timing. ~ Kimberley Martin  …