Category: Heart
Some things take time & energy. Don’t judge! The heart / head heals in its own time. You have no idea what someone else is going through unless you are going through it yourself. The person experiencing the steps of grieving and depression needs to understand that others will condemn their decision and time, but it …
A smile is a small thing, when it comes from the heart it really shines. ~ Ernest Gaspari Always, it doesn’t cost you a thing but gives much.Your just one smile can brighten up somebody’s day. ~ Maria Luisa If you see someone without a smile. Give them yours. ~ Jamie Howell You never know what someone is going through …
Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. Live in the moment because it’s truly the only thing promised and you never know when the next moment won’t come. Appreciate life in it’s own very simple way. Don’t go too much about your plans in the future. Planning is good, but what is important is appreciation. ~ Fely Pajarito The …
The most painful way why someone’s heart always get broken. If you love some one show it, let her/him know it, you might regret it s0me day if you remain silent. ~ Charlene Dichoso If they didn’t care, I think it’s better to walk away. Although it hurts so much but we can’t force someone to love …
Life will treat you the way you treat the people around you. It’s a hard thing to do, but it can be done. With lots of prayer and faith! Most important don’t forget that you are a piece of what you call “God”. ~ Vasile Szucs When we criticize people, often it is the exact same fault …
Every woman is beautiful, she needs to see it for herself and not rely on any man to make her feel beautiful, she just needs to look in the mirror and see it for herself. ~ Lisa Sullivan Every woman is beautiful in her own way and her beauty is proven when everyone that see her …