Category: Heart
Anything in life worth anything is worth working for. Chasing your dreams but not your friends. You do find the one’s worth having you don’t have to work at it. ~ Patricia Hobson If a person is meant for you, he/she will come to you. Don’t go after the one not walking with you and holding your …
It’s easy to take each other for granted. Unfortunately the threat of loss keeps us vigilant or the feeling of warmth from appreciation. Choose wisely. ~ Sonia Christi It’s good to have a friend to share with cry, to laugh and to lean. When your down friend will lift you up, helping to carry the load. Very …
Helping someone feel good about themselves. If you can do one thing for somebody else every single day of your life, then you will have served your purpose for being here. Those are the things to recount when head hits the pillow. That’s how sweet dreams are made, falling asleep with a smile on your face. …
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so that only leaves today and the present moment. Today is the gift that we have been given. Live it fully, live it joyfully and live it for everyone you love. Yesterday is history, and from history we learn, tomorrow is a mystery, and for mysterious things we prepare, …
Sad how we find out in tragedy who your real friends are. Those we think are our friends are the ones that disappoint, those we think are not our friends surprise us. I won’t forget the true friends. ~ Rosanna Coglianese Never forget those who excluded you and were too busy to be bothered. So few people …
A pretty face may get you through a door. But good character keeps you there. When someone has a beautiful attitude, heart and soul. She is seen as a beauty by many. A beautiful woman who has all the good, heart and soul top it with pretty face and her beauty will never fade even when …