Category: Happiness
Don’t compare, be unique. Don’t fight your misfortune, transform it. Don’t avoid failure, use it. Don’t dwell on mistakes, learn from them. Don’t back down, stand proud. “Law of Attraction” has manifested in your life and that’s the secret. “Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of …
I do enjoy all those things with you. To see you happy warms my heart. ~ Sandy Sanders Everybody loves to be loved. ~ Madeline Sasser If you have that person in your life, you should be lucky and contented with your life. Also find someone to share you’re ups and downs with. Stick with it …
It’s good sometimes to listen of some advises around you but you have to choose your own decision not from others. Try to Stand by your own two legs alone. No need backups. Try to ask God. He is the real truth and the real way. ~ Precious Gina You have to live you life and do …
There’s one, and only one, person in this world that can make you happy. The one you look at in the mirror each day. ~ Robert Hudson We must realize that within ourselves we hold the key to our own happiness. ~ Kelli Davis That is the reason we make huge mistakes in our lives, the only person …
The worse the situation gets the better one handles it is a sign of the most successful people. To turn a bad sign into a positive is the best medicine for a healthy and happy heart. ~ Samantha Angel Garcia Silence make you go through much pain so the best to do is to pretend to …
You can lose ANYTHING & EVERYTHING that is in the external world, that’s why your happiness must come from within & not from anything that is temporary, everything in this world comes & goes. Your happiness must come from the immovable, unconditional love you feel within yourself FOR yourself. Certainly you will still feel emotions over …