Category: Happiness

Worry is a total waste of time

99% of the things we worry about have already happened or never will. There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.  Worry never solves any problem. It is careful planning and your wisdom that finds any solution. Worry simply wastes time …

Love is when you sit beside someone

Just being with them feels fantastic and flutters my heart. ~ Sue Rhea  Even when you’re just sitting there, doing nothing, saying nothing and just holding hands. ~ Brigitte Nicole There doesn’t have to be a romantic link. To me this is about the comfort of a good friendship. ~ Mary MacDonald 

The Secret of being Happy

Happiness is a daily art learning to appreciate and be grateful for the small things. By making the most out of life every day you can alter where you are in life, even if it is only a perception. ~ Annie Berber  We are each the author of our own happiness. It is really a state of …

Happiness is not the absence of problems

Peace of Mind comes not from the absence of obstacles, but the ability to deal with them. Happiness is simply a choice you make when you wake up each day. It is your day, you get to choose how you are going to use it. Use it wisely, as once it is gone you cannot ever …