Category: Happiness
Even if someone is mean to you, do good to them. Kill them with kindness. Nothing makes a mean or angry person think about their actions more when you are kind. ~ Sandra Hanks You have to be consistent with your positive circle. Continue to be kind as a lifestyle to draw good into your life. Just …
Sometimes people find someone who really cares and helps and loves but they want to be better with some people around, who takes advantage of them or hurt them but they don’t realize that they can lose everything. Sometimes you have to believe and trust. The destiny will always show you the right way. ~ Markus Dworowy …
Never let others define you and you are the keeper of your happiness. Sheep follow and let others define them and let them control them. Don’t go along just because you think it is the thing to do it isn’t. You know what makes you happy and what doesn’t so be authentic especially to yourself. ~ Beverly …
Life like a money the way you spend the way you live. Love is in you already. It attracts responding love on its own. Let it be and be in peace. ~ Gini Smith Until you love yourself you cannot love another person.
If you’re not happy with yourself, you carry that inside and you take it with you where ever you go. So in conclusion, you won’t be happy at work, you won’t be happy in a relationship because you will be dependent on that person to make you happy, but as soon as they leave and you’re …
Give someone a smile. It might be the only sunshine they see all day. Always fall in love with yourself first. The smile belongs to you. ~ Mary Harris Every little smile can touch somebody’s heart. No one is born happy. All of us are born with ability to create happiness. You always must smile and life will …