Category: Happiness
Nothing wrong with being alone; some “me” and inner peace, recharge energy, some breathing space for mind, body and soul. ~ Rita DeBono We all need alone time, not to be mistaken as lonely. There is a huge difference! ~ Gloria Easley Nothing wrong with liking your’e own Company and innermost thoughts! The ability to be alone and …
Don’t let anyone ruin your day, it’s your day, everyday, your happiness belong’s to only you. You can’t sore like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys. Great forgives Average argues Intelligent ignores Stay away from these negative people. They are dissatisfied of themselves or those who are jealous of you. Your happiness doesn’t depend upon …
Outlaws survive, the weak die, the strong fight on and the average fall behind. ~ Derrick Leong Appreciate all of them as they come into your life for a reason! You shouldn’t blame people because you should think that the events happening in your live are coming from the God and these are examinations for you to …
Just don’t forget to take those inexpensive, weekend, overnight, mini-vacations. Build those memories. Sometimes we’re so busy living our daily lives we forget to set aside a little bit of time for them. ~ Germaine Zurita You can make everyday a small vacation by taking some time out, even half hour to walk through a lovely park, …
Even if someone is mean to you, do good to them. Kill them with kindness. Nothing makes a mean or angry person think about their actions more when you are kind. ~ Sandra Hanks You have to be consistent with your positive circle. Continue to be kind as a lifestyle to draw good into your life. Just …
Sometimes people find someone who really cares and helps and loves but they want to be better with some people around, who takes advantage of them or hurt them but they don’t realize that they can lose everything. Sometimes you have to believe and trust. The destiny will always show you the right way. ~ Markus Dworowy …