Category: Happiness
No one has a perfect life. All you have to do is be true to yourself and live life and try to be happy with who and what you have. I need a happy life surrounded by a good friends & accept who I am. That’s a wonderful gift from heavens above. ~ Jean Pagayonan Doesn’t say anything …
Rumors and gossip can ruin lives. This applies also for those who feed on media lies and gossip of celebs who don’t even know your existence. If you focus on yourself and flaws you will be a better person inside. Focusing on yourself and not torturing yourself about the past and past people is good. ~ Jennifer …
Don’t look back. You are not going there. Keep moving on and you will be where you want to be. Create a life that you love. Do this for yourself! It’s not easy but it’s always possible if you start with baby steps. Look back and see what made you happy and start doing things that …
You deserved all the happiness in life. Life is too short, don’t spoil the every moment you are living. There are no negative things, just bad and evil people creating the harm and hard feelings. Without the negatives in life we can never learn to appreciate the positive things we have. On deployment I learned that the …
Happiness is a choice and there’s nobody responsible for your happiness than yourself. Don’t give others the power to destroy it either. Nobody can make you happy. You have to find your own level of happiness. Being happy with yourself, is for sure an inside job.
If you really want to travel you can prepare for it. Even not out of the country. What important is you explore what really life is. Life is just short, traveling is relaxing and enjoying life. Whenever we are if it’s our destiny to die, it will. Don’t be afraid to travel. ~ Ta Dales If you don’t …