Category: Happiness

Staying angry robs us of happiness

Forgiveness is the fastest way to free yourself! There is great healing power in forgiveness. There is no point to keep angers inside us. What’s done is done, even God can’t take it back. Make room for only love and happiness. We are all can get mad sometimes but don’t let them stay inside us for long. …

Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy

I’ve been reading lots and lots of books on happiness, mindfulness, meditation etc. recently and the key point is happiness is a feeling you create within yourself based on your interpretation of life’s events. You can interpret it as good, bad or that’s just how it is. Give thanks for what you have then you’ll see …

Always live a stress free life

You are in a dream if you think life can be worry or stress free. Happiness comes from coping with life, not avoiding it. ~ Joy Turner  Happiness comes from within yourself. You choose to be happy, you are in charge. Not the stress and worry. Positive thoughts give positive results. ~ Maureen Gaites  Happiness is all that …