Category: Happiness
The best kind of therapy is also books therapy. On the beach reading a book. The best kind of therapy is having someone nearby when the day begins or is about to end. ~ Tyche Kim Therapy: observing and enjoying all of God’s creation. Do think beach and listening to ocean sounds ranks very high on my …
Being happy in the company of another that we don’t have to chase around is the best. Also, being thankful with the people who wishes to be around us gives us contentment with the company we keep.~ Louise Ketchup A few people have hurt me so bad that it brought down my health, stress kills. Lessons learned …
If you have the right person kiss you. Time will stand still. You can only take time & you can’t make time. If you can go through these five steps you will be the most happiest person on earth!
Some people find the whole world in one person. HOME is not a place but a feeling. Home is never a person, its where you feel you’re in peace with your self. Home is wherever we are with the person we love. For a person like me home is where is my heart is.We do not …
No one has a perfect life. All you have to do is be true to yourself and live life and try to be happy with who and what you have. I need a happy life surrounded by a good friends & accept who I am. That’s a wonderful gift from heavens above. ~ Jean Pagayonan Doesn’t say anything …
Rumors and gossip can ruin lives. This applies also for those who feed on media lies and gossip of celebs who don’t even know your existence. If you focus on yourself and flaws you will be a better person inside. Focusing on yourself and not torturing yourself about the past and past people is good. ~ Jennifer …