Category: Gratitude
Just pray that those who think materialistic things mean the most soon wake up before it’s too late. Tomorrow is never promised ! I attended my brother and my fathers funerals where the churches were both full and I realised then and there that people are the most important in my life – not stuff, not …
We only have now. The rest is up to the Lord. Live each moment like it’s your last. Enjoy each moment! I am very thankful each and everyday for my family and my blessings. Sickness and stress can eat you from the inside out if you sit quietly and put up with something because you are …
We are raised to believe from a very young age, that happiness has pre-requisites. That certain pursuits or accomplishments or belongings will bring us an internal peace or contentment that we can then label “happiness”. How sad that we never learned that true happiness was never to be gauged, judged or measured by another’s standards, and …
To all my family and friends who have been there for me though the dark times, love you so much!
I’ve been reading lots and lots of books on happiness, mindfulness, meditation etc. recently and the key point is happiness is a feeling you create within yourself based on your interpretation of life’s events. You can interpret it as good, bad or that’s just how it is. Give thanks for what you have then you’ll see …
Always thinking of those very special people in my life. ~ Nola Neubauer