Category: Gratitude
Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. Live in the moment because it’s truly the only thing promised and you never know when the next moment won’t come. Appreciate life in it’s own very simple way. Don’t go too much about your plans in the future. Planning is good, but what is important is appreciation. ~ Fely Pajarito The …
Time to release all negativity and let the positive and love in. Be at peace with yourself and others, forgive yourself and others, release all negativity thoughts, pains and harm you did to others, feel the love, find the peace and be positive everyday! god bless you’s everyday! Do as you would done by its the …
First thing we should do in the morning is to say thank you. Don’t make yourself upset because of small misunderstandings. This really can ruin your day. Good feelings make good behaviour and kind words make good feelings. Start your day with happy thoughts. Don’t weigh yourself, if you think you’re up, it messes up your …
Being disrespected repeatedly is not fun. It wears you down and breaks your spirit. You also must respect, appreciate & value them or walk away because if you can’t see the reason for treating them nice then they are wrong for you. ~ Debi Berryman Surround yourself with positive, successful people, and get rid of the negative, …
Some people that isn’t enough they are never grateful or thankful for what they have. ~ Gale Homuth There is a big difference in what I need and what I want. All I need is a roof over my head, clothes to keep warm and food to eat. The rest are just wants. ~ Jeanne Kress Take care …
Holding a grudge and anger is wasteful energy. Just give in and live happier. Letting go is a very tough thing to do. If you really want to do this, you have to seriously decide to do so, take the emotion out of it, and decide what it is that you want. You will find the …