Category: Gratitude
Pray because that a sure thing for your soul!
I’m blessed a million times, as I have my eyes, to see the wonders of life. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE! ~ Betty Monzon Right before my dad passed away, there was a blind man in his room at the hospital. My dad donated his parts to science. My dad told them that he wanted that man to …
The best recipe of life, no stress, no worries, just happiness and health. Success isn’t the key to happiness but happiness is the key to success, so be happy! Life is short. Make the best of what you have and be happy. Happiness is a state of mind. It’s within you only. You only need to …
I’ve had ups and downs. Life was never so easy for me, but prayers made me stronger each day, until I realized acceptance and letting go of the things that you have no control with are the best way to keep moving on. ~ Maria Injug I observe, the two deck chairs facing the beautiful orange sky …
The human heart filled with love is the greatest gift of all. Love is the greatest gift you can give. It’s priceless! It ain’t about presents, it’s about being together around people you love because some people don’t have gifts, just themselves to share love with other people. ~ Carmen Leonhard The most valuable gift you can …
Acceptance of what is and being grateful with it! In life we are given many challenges but trust in God and all will be ok. One nation in particular where we spend a few months are some of the poorest in this world materially but the kindest, most caring, most generous and most happy people I have ever …