Category: Good
Best friends you just love to hear their voice and be in the presence. A person can hear, but a friend listens for the meaning. A person can look, but friend sees the heart. A person can know, but a friend understands your dreams. You should be able to pick up a phone and speak to …
A good reason to give up bad habits. Negativity gets you nowhere. Always think positive. You must surround yourself those that you love with positive. Put a positive frame around so called negative things and you will see the magic in the moment. ~ Neil Sperling Just think about positive things so that there won’t be any space …
Live every moment as if it’s the last one, live with love, forgiveness, patience and appreciate the value of life. ~ Hadeel Rifaie We should always try to live in every moment of the life which God gave us. Life is beautiful and it’s in our hand to make it more perfect. The choice is our’s whether …
Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. Live in the moment because it’s truly the only thing promised and you never know when the next moment won’t come. Appreciate life in it’s own very simple way. Don’t go too much about your plans in the future. Planning is good, but what is important is appreciation. ~ Fely Pajarito The …
Karma is good with the good. Stay safe! Be good! Do good and good will follow you, what you sow you shall surely reap. Good Karma is the result of the purity and respect of our creations in the world. Bad karma results from creating disrespect in any form. ~ Mark Pavlich I’m a firm believer in this, …
As you get older you realise there is no point in investing in people who are mean. Sadly I know a few I’ve walked away from now and that’s exactly how I saw it, focusing on those that you love and who love you right back. ~ Cathy Craddock It’s so liberating to free yourself from …