Category: Good
Helping someone feel good about themselves. If you can do one thing for somebody else every single day of your life, then you will have served your purpose for being here. Those are the things to recount when head hits the pillow. That’s how sweet dreams are made, falling asleep with a smile on your face. …
Patience is a virtue of wisdom and can make wonders in your life. Sometimes we need to hold out for the better things to come. Though it’s kind of annoying to be patient, eventually the best thing is always show up. The best things in life are definitely worth waiting for.
Be around with positive people that pull you up. Positive people who don’t try to use your weaknesses for their enjoyment. Sometimes the people who create all the pointless drama and cause you heartache are people who you cannot let go of. Unfortunately they are in your life to stay. ~ Samar Wasity Weep with those who …
The enemy of best is good. We know not what is good until we have lost it. Happy is he (or she) who is contented with what they’ve got. The grass is not greener on the other side! Be happy with what you have and know the difference. I’ve done with good and look for a …
You are beautiful never forget that. Heart is more beautiful. That’s what has made you unique. You beautiful inside out and upside down. We all have our own beautiful personalities. No one is ugly. We’re all our own, unique kind of beautiful. There is no ‘standard’. Never compare with others, always compare with yourself, then you …
We are never happy with what we have, until we loose it. ~ Betty Rahimy Everyday thank God for all the blessings He gives us. We are so fortunate to have all we do. The things we use, the people we hold close, and the love we share. Thank you God. ~ Robert Appell The grass is not …