Category: Good

Every time you thought you was being rejected

When our will is centred and aligned with our heart and mind it can perform miracles. Great motivation and food for thought when rejection comes into play. Rejection is a pretty hard pill to swallow at the best of time. Just hope and pray something really better does come along and soon. ~ Margaret Young  Some people …

If you are going to stay, stay forever

Prove your going change and change for the better. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Suit action to words. Talking never got anybody anywhere in a hurry. Action always speaks louder than words. There’s always room for improvement and to better oneself. It’s taking the first step to self improvement and change for …

Have Faith that everything will get better

Nothing stays the same forever, including bad times & it will work out . God didn’t bring you this far for it not to. Today I focus on everything that already is beautiful and worth loving in my life. ~ Mervi Huhtelin  Faith is something you should never lose I should know I’m a cancer free and …

Sometimes the best things in life take a while

Patience is a virtue of wisdom and can make wonders in your life. Sometimes we need to hold out for the better things to come. Though it’s kind of annoying to be patient, eventually the best thing is always show up. The best things in life are definitely worth waiting for.