Category: Good

Love is Beautiful when it’s Good

Love is sometimes better the 2nd time around. You are more mature and know what you want in a mate. You have to pay price to be happy, nothing comes easy. To reach happiness you have to go through things that you do not want. Sometimes at the time we think it is beautiful and then …

When you look back on your Life

Rejection is God’s protection. When one door closes another door opens. Negative vibes are sent off; as you attract the positive. Every adversity is a Stepping Stone to Success. Rejection is one process where in your faith and trust to God is tested. Trust God and acknowledge Him in all your ways, comes the time when you receive rejection …

When the Best things in life comes to you

Don’t wait to be what you can be now. Everything has a time. But, what is the perfect time to begin ? The perfect time to begin is, when you feel the inspiration. ~ Jitu Das  Working hard for the best things are not always about material things. Parents work hard to raise their children. A student works hard …

Be selective with your battles

Sometimes you have to decide to be right or remain friends. Just ignoring some people who have a constant need to ruin our peace of mind. In that case we should put a smile on our face and beat them with our happiness from inside. ~ Dijana Haseljic  Peace is definitely the better way to go. That’s …

It’s better to cry than to be angry

Holding onto anger is like drinking Poison and expecting the other person to die. Once you spew anger at someone, it’s too late to ever take it back. Don’t be shy to cry , but cry when you are alone to keep your dignity high. ~ Mohammed Kamal True anger is poison, it is a switch that …