Category: Good
You don’t have to rebuild the trust with the one who broke it. Just don’t be afraid to trust someone else. ~ Jenny Aus To trust again, not mainly the same people or person but generally trusting again, not going through life searching for flaws in people because that just makes you a bitter, hateful, spiteful person, …
His blessings and loving kindness always flow into our lives daily. Never stop! I’m very thankful to our God that I still wake up every time I asleep. ~ Unknown I appreciated to having a job, roof and love from God. That’s providing hope in anyways. ~ Lisa Chien We all get bogged down with life, but …
If you can’t love yourself, eventually no one else will. Why try to be someone you are not. People see the real you eventually. The saddest feeling is when someone you know suddenly ignores you without any reason. Take it or leave it. I am what I am. No reason to stay with someone that doesn’t …
Situations are not good or bad, they are good and bad. Finding the good in the bad helps get through the bad. ~ Lynda Kis Every cloud has a silver lining. I have been doing this for a year year now and what can I say, my life has been so much better now that I have seen the …
Some people confuse kindness for stupidity. We can always be nice. What I have learned both personally and professionally it is more about setting healthy boundaries and expectations for others on how to treat you or your business/team and being fully transparent instead of expecting others to read your mind or pick up on your frustration. …
Life is one big school of hard knocks, but we never should feel bad about our past experiences those really made us who we are today. ~ Förnamn Efternamn Sometimes we trust someone for no reason at all. It’s just that we feel happy in their company or when they are with us. Heart is always pure …