Category: Good

It’s not always about fixing something broken

I tried to fix someone broken. I just wanted to help. In the end, I got brokenhearted. Time to move on and create something better. I still pray that the broken person gets whole, but I can only do much. I have to love my life too. ~ Ana Felix  Don’t fix broken stuff because your only …

Don’t ever think about a bad yesterday

We just have to get through it because that’s how we human beings are designed to withstand the pain of loss, rejection, betrayal.etc ~ John Aga  If you don’t forgive, you let that person win. You may never forgot, but your eyes and ears are more visual to not letting whatever it is happen again. ~ Casey Mauck  …

No matter how good or bad your life is

His blessings and loving kindness always flow into our lives daily. Never stop! I’m very thankful to our God that I still wake up every time I asleep. ~ Unknown I appreciated to having a job, roof and love from God. That’s providing hope in anyways. ~ Lisa Chien  We all get bogged down with life, but …

You may not be someone’s first choice

If you can’t love yourself, eventually no one else will. Why try to be someone you are not. People see the real you eventually. The saddest feeling is when someone you know suddenly ignores you without any reason.  Take it or leave it. I am what I am. No reason to stay with someone that doesn’t …