Category: Good
Sometimes you always loose your self-control, thus that’s the time close persons to you enter to give their perspective. But at the end of the line you, yourself is the leader. Just be careful on your choices. ~ Linda Rosa Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can’t change. …
Rejection makes you feel terrible but, what I say is that they reject me because they feel threatened by me in someway and that is their easy way out making you feel rejected. ~ Tommie Gonzalez May be one is not destining to be with that person who rejected because you must be a gem which shine …
Talk to Yourself At least Once A Day. Otherwise You May Miss A Meeting with an EXCELLENT Person. ~ Jankesh K Parnami When you get what you want in your struggle for wealth and the world makes you king for a day. Then go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that person …
You are my little ray of sunshine. You will get past this and feel a lot better once you get it sorted.
I see beauty in people. Their eyes colors, their hair, their languages, their voices. Most importantly their kindness and compassion. Every person I meet I always find something beautiful in each. ~ Esmeralda Daniella
Life is like a coin, it has two sides and you never know which side will come up when you toss it.