Category: Good
It’s even worse when they hear, they understand but they don’t care. Only you can solve your problems. So better to hide it inside and fine some ways how things would be fine. ~ Bethzy Marisson “Sometimes” I personally feel you should never bottle your feelings inside. I mean never. However, take into full considering what …
You must learn to accept what life brings you. Karma says it all. You can have a good experiences in life as well as bad, but never regret the good one and learn from the bad. It will help you make right or wrong decision. I will regret bad choices I have made that have caused hurt …
We have all done things at sometime in our life that we may not have choose the right way but we learn from our mistakes and do better the next time. ~ Suzanne Talijan Do whatever you want, even if not good choice, it will teach you something, you will learn a good lesson. Life is good …
Thank you for the bad people who don’t have anything more that would make them happy if they see me falter. I thank you because of these kind of people make me more aware on who to trust and not easily give in whatever they desire through smooth talking. ~ Norma Powell One should always be thankful. …
We all make our own path on this journey through life via the very choices we make at any point in time, whether those choices are good or bad is easier in hindsight than knowing at any specific moment. Learning and wisdom gained from past mistakes hopefully will prevent us making the same mistakes again, or …
I do enjoy all those things with you. To see you happy warms my heart. ~ Sandy Sanders Everybody loves to be loved. ~ Madeline Sasser If you have that person in your life, you should be lucky and contented with your life. Also find someone to share you’re ups and downs with. Stick with it …