Category: Good
Mean people do have a good heart too. Buried deep within there unhealed inner pain. Good hearted people live in the now. There heart is on the surface. Do good & good will come to you. ~ Anita Redmond I had a mean heart before, and sometimes I might be the mean person and not know. That is why …
In the end of your time here on earth we all will find out it was never between you and them, what you have given from your heart it was between you and God so keep loving and giving! ~ Marie Quick When you really have a good heart, no matter how hurt you are, you’ll always …
No matter how good a woman is, she will never be good enough to a man who is not ready. ~ Cecille Cumigad If unforgiveness is in your heart and you can’t believe that person will change, you never give that person your whole heart then it doesn’t matter if it’s the man or women. Time …
Helping someone else will help you make a better person. Help someone for no reasons at all and do not expect anything in return. I helped an older couple yesterday after they had already asked 3 people for help & it made me feel real good. It’s very sad that some folks would not even help …
You deserved all the happiness in life. Life is too short, don’t spoil the every moment you are living. There are no negative things, just bad and evil people creating the harm and hard feelings. Without the negatives in life we can never learn to appreciate the positive things we have. On deployment I learned that the …
Everybody is going to hurt you, even the ones who love you dearly. We are human and we all make mistakes. There is no relationship on earth where two people won’t hurt each other once in awhile, but if there is more hurt than happiness, then you should really think twice about being in this relationship. …