Category: Friendship

When you have been through hard times

The people that you thought were going to be there and call themselves your friend aren’t. If they are not there, stand tall and be proud of what you came through without their help or support. Sometimes life lessons really suck, but they show you the strength you never would have believed you had in you …

Who you call to be your best friend?

Best friends you just love to hear their voice and be in the presence. A person can hear, but a friend listens for the meaning. A person can look, but friend sees the heart. A person can know, but a friend understands your dreams. You should be able to pick up a phone and speak to …

True friends say nice things about you behind your back

True Friends just don’t talk behind your back. A true friend will tell you the bad things to your face. Are there any other type of friends than true friends. The others were never your friends. ~ Robin Parker  A real friend won’t talk behind your back. They will say what’s on their mind to your face & …

Who is your good Friend?

Isn’t it great that you don’t have to ask permission to be yourself? This is real friendship with healthy relationship. As long as your total freedom isn’t harming others or yourself. ~ Sharon Leuser  A friend is like a mirror image, you c an say and do what you like to it, it will do and say the …