Category: Friendship
You can find your soulmate in a friendship too… Good friends can guide you to many wonderful experiences. I am lucky that I found my soulmate. I am happy! ~ Theressa Wilding This is the greatest thing to Have. A TRUE FRIENDSHIP and also an awesome relationship to, but you want to make sure you show and …
Certain songs can cause a knee-jerk reaction in our hearts, usually because it brings an instant memory of a person or a moment in time. ~ Annabelle Becker Some songs make me laugh so much especially when memories starts to linger in my mind, it’s always happy memories. ~ Marivic Del Mundo
My best friend and I have been friends for over 25 years. We have gone through the highs and lows of life and are still best friends. ~ Lynne Rutherford Miss my Max, he was the most loyal, loving dog & my best friend I ever had. He was definitely my souldog. ~ Laura Smith I …
If you have that one true friend you are truly blessed! Real friends are true friends always! Like everything in life, it’s quality not quantity that matters!
You are lucky if you have one good friend. They are truly rare. Friends for a reason and friends for a season. As you get older you realise this and cherish your friends more greatful to have a few good true friends in my life. ~ Sarah Dowson
You have to be a friend to have a friend! We only see the surface. It’s easy to wear a fake smile and pretend your life is a bowl of cherries! ~ Anne Laylee We never know what the people around us hold in their hearts and minds. Be loving and caring! ~ Diane Sickles …