Category: Friendship

When you forgotten how to love yourself

You need to love her unconditionally first without any judgement and don’t ask too personal questions before your friendship has stood the test of time.  A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway. True Friend is someone who always beside you if you are in any trouble. Best friends don’t grow …

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends

Being an honest person doesn’t always payoff. However, being honest helps me sleep better at night. ~ Ray Gallegos  My friends list is not plentiful but telling the truth you always come out on top with your conscious. I have been burned too many times by trusting and expecting honesty from others because I am honest myself. …

You don’t need a perfect life

No one has a perfect life. All you have to do is be true to yourself and live life and try to be happy with who and what you have.  I need a happy life surrounded by a good friends & accept who I am. That’s a wonderful gift from heavens above. ~ Jean Pagayonan Doesn’t say anything …