Category: Feelings
When a brilliant mind speak, someone will get hurt, but when a kind heart listen, there’s always comfort & hope. ~ Aileen Suarez You’ll never learn if you don’t listen. May everyone have a special heart that listen and choose to be kind and sensitive to others people feelings. Try not to say a single words that …
Some people really have a hard time expressing their feelings and words like “I love you”. They were never told they were loved all their childhood and they feel unloved themselves. They were told to keep their feelings to themselves. There are all kinds of people in the world. Some are so inept with their feelings. …
We all need to be loved, and it is great to know how much he does love us,, he will never let us down. ~ Mary Willette To all people who are suffering to much pain, just live it to him. Trust and pray to him, then God will make away. ~ Joemar Norona Dear Lord, give me …
Angels are all around us. Such a blessing and a comfort to know so many friends are angels without wings here on earth. We all live with an angel beside us, and its he that we move on in life, but if we abandon him we are lost in existing. ~ Sandra Said I wake up look …
Its a known fact that the event itself does not cause the most damage but not having someone to talk to about it, keeping it stuffed inside for years and years will do the most harm. Stuffing your feelings can cause pay a major role on deterioration of health, anxieties, PTSD, cancers and as far as …
Let go, Let God, Relax, breath, give yourself a chance to heal. You have weeks to deal with this and if you screw up the recovery the rest of your life will be effected. ~ Max Cooperford