Category: Feelings
True love will never die. The memories will last forever. Never close your heart because love is only good if you can give it away. To live after such a loss is the hardest thing one can go through. But you do need to spread the love you had for them around. If not for their …
Most of the time people walk into someone’s life with the intention to destroy, by acting life they want to be your friend and before anything, they already know your sadness, your happy moment, without telling your pain, they already know that something is wrong, just to find a word from you about your situation so …
Value those you have in your life because you never know when their time (or yours) is up. The facts are we are all going to die one day. ~ Kristen Mcdonald We tend to think we are going to be around forever and can finish unfinished business when we get to it. We need to cherish …
It just like taking a multiple choice exam if you are not certain about the answer always trust your gut. The first choice is usually right. ~ Dennis Dobrick We have been trained not to listen to our gut. So some people override the instincts that God gave to a mouse and interject their fear that they …
To feel alone in a relationship is the worst feeling. Better to be alone than to be with bad company. Only one thing is worse than living with someone who makes you feel alone is continue to keep living with someone who makes you feel alone. Emptiness is the most difficult when you have spent your life …
People who ignore those who (truly and unselfishly) care for them eventually get what they deserve. One way or another we are to learn how to be a better person. If we don’t learn while the caring people are in our lives, we’ll be shown eventually. ~ Kim Smithers Never go to bed with an argument, …