Category: Feelings
Walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me. No one will have a full understanding of the other even though both had encountered the same experience as each of us is individual, unique and special. With different frequency, your thought may not be mine, thus, we can only relate from one another. ~ Michelle Tay …
I have made a wonderful friend half way around the world and she has helped me deal with so much that I could never have shared with my family and friends living right here. ~ Shirley Murray Just give yourself the chance to be the one who everybody love to be with to share with to be …
This is one of the most important thing someone can do for a friend or loved one that is suffering from depression. The important thing is not to destroy the person that was there for you when no one else was when you end that relationship. ~ Matt Godfrey A lot of people say they are there …
All I do is run, help anyone regardless of what they have done, sweat, bleed, cry. I left that life now I have been reliving it with someone who clearly don’t care. What don’t kill you only makes you stronger. ~ Unknown People who make you feel unworthy or bad about yourself should have no place …
When you find both in the same person, don’t let him/her go. ~ Rachel Chieffo I got married a year ago to a man I rejected in the first place because I did not find him physically attractive at all, but after getting married I would have regretted my whole life if I sticked to that decision. …
Better to be alone than to be with somebody who makes you feel worthless. Find the right one then you feel worth and happy. Be content with yourself and be proud of your strength. If somebody else does come along, it’s ‘icing on the cake.’ Don’t be so insecure that you need someone to be proud …