Category: Feelings

Don’t make me feel less of a person

If someone isn’t good enough for you, don’t keep them around and try to change them into someone else. No one can make you feel less of a person unless you allow it. It is called abuse! Nobody can make you feel a certain way. How one feels is entirely up to them!  

How all your stress will melt away?

Hugs from you always make my day better my love. ~ Brett Gass    Sometimes you have to be the hugger that melts the stress away. You may never know where, when or how a hug will affect someone. ~ Carl Witham    It’s like time stops when we hug and I could just stay in that place …

When you actually mean something to someone

I mean the world to my husband even if he has a funny way of showing it. He’s really been here for me while no one else has. He’s my rock.never want to face a day without him by my side. ~ Deanna Knor   Sometimes that is the only thing that makes you want to …

Once you learn how to be happy

Sometimes I find myself in situations where my internal reaction is anger, irritation, or defensiveness. So I “check” myself. I remind myself not to internalize the feelings of others. I’ve actually told loved ones: “You can communicate your truth & your feelings, but that doesn’t mean I will accept or ‘own’ your feelings as my own.” …