Category: Family
Especially the people you’re kind to and they just end up making you hurt. ~ Alex Leathers People come in and go out of your life for a reason, key is to learn from all of your past experiences and people who came in and now are gone, as well as those who have stayed. ~ Dan Schwartz …
Let the hater’s hate. It’s their ugly self manifesting to themselves. Concern yourself with love and let their hate hurt them, not you. ~ Firuze Yilmaz If they do hate someone, it’s really them hating themselves for whatever issues they might have, so the best we can do personally is just go on with our lives and …
Don’t argue with idiots people. Sometimes silence is more powerful and precious than words. When there’s nothing more to say, there’s nothing more to say. Silence is deafening. ~ Kimmie Dawn Silence is a way of killing, but without getting your hands dirty. I would rather remain silent and thought a fool, then to speak and remove …
Never try to break the heart of the person that you really love him. If you miss the right thing in this universe you are on the great path to the land of the ultimate bliss where flowers bloom for ever. ~ Tan Yen Pin I miss my husband. without him I am nothing. I feel like …
Many times in the past, I have kept things bottled up then regretted not saying anything. You share your feelings, and they either care or not, but if you don’t, you are the one who has missed the chance to heal a relationship. ~ Linda Gaines It’s painfully the truth. It’s a scar for life. You’re …
I love you honey, praying for you like crazy. It’s all going to work out one way or the other, no matter what, I am here for you and love you with all my heart. ~ Sara Shurtleff Sending prayers all over the world and into the hearts of love divine. All living beings and those …