Category: Faith
Always follow my heart, storming into the unknown and the surprises differ. Just survived a few bad ones, but I’m ready for a new path into a new wilderness because I love taking calculated risks when I consider the cause to be worthy. ~ Natalie Meyer
Life is like a coin, it has two sides and you never know which side will come up when you toss it.
Patience pays rich dividends, hurry makes curry. Choice is yours!
Not everyone whom comes into your life is meant to stay. They come into your life with purpose to love, teach and help you find your self worth and make you feel whole again. Can someone please give me a map of those paths so that I can avoid the people who won’t be a positive …
The best things come to those who wait. The older you get the more you learn to be patient. Take care of what you can, leave the rest to the universe.
Everything in life does happen for a reason. Good or bad! A bad situation you will learn from and only make you stronger for the next. We are definitely here to learn. Enjoy your day with a positive mind. Cross each path as it comes. ~ Joeanne Perrin Timing is everything, but only time will tell …