Category: Faith

Real couples stay faithful

Real people in real couples sometimes do stray, but real relationships can grow stronger if both parties commit to sharing themselves and fully knowing one another. ~ Melodie Tucker  That is a true love to each Other. Just between couple and God above. ~ Jane Agustin  Real couples minds wonder just like everyone else. They just choose not …

Don’t lose Hope

Stay Positive! Whatever your hoping for will find you. Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life. What you believe and tell yourself is how tomorrow will be. Tomorrow will be great. Expect that tomorrow will be awesome as you continue to do this. Switch your negative thought into a positive, you’ll notice a …

Five Rules of a Relationship

Never lie no matter how difficult the topic is, trust and communication is everything. Having time is very important but not “all the time” instead of five rule’s there is only one and that is “TRUST”. I’ve got all Five, 100% under control. 1. Forever 2. Unconditionally 3. Everyday 4. Never 5. Always Thank you, God, …

Have faith that things will work out

Sometimes you just have to believe that everything happens for a reason even though right now you don’t know what that reason is. Plans can change! we have the ability to change our mind and feelings if we truly want too. ~ Greg Martinez Life would be much simpler if everyone can accept whatever outcome in everything they do. ~ KweeLing …

Love comes to those who still love

Love never goes away, never fades it just buried deep down when you were in pain. This is the romantic love which expects to be loved in return. The agape love is the principled love that you have for someone and love that person or persons unconditionally and always think of what is best for them. …