Category: Faith

Stop thinking too much

The problem is, by the time I have the answers, I forget the question. ~ Rob Marcinko It’s hard to wait for the answer especially if the matters really worries your personality. ~ Aviv Tan  Don’t lose time looking for unanswered answers. You may end up losing better opportunities for yourself. ~ Dick Hirayama 

Trust can take years to build

Trust never can be built again. Trust like a tear falls and never returns to your eye. ~ Sara Moustafa Someone with a big heart, can trust the person even after proven wrong in the first attempt. It’s not because he wants to be proved wrong again but it’s because his feelings for that person are true. ~ Debapriyo …

True Love does exist

True love exists everywhere. Both parties need to want it and work at it. Not give up. ~ Missy Joe Couples who stay committed to each other wants to make it work. It needs patience, love, understanding & forgiveness. Without all it wouldn’t be possible to last to the golden age. ~ Linda Martial  True love does exist. …

You can’t control everything

Be gentle with yourself. Have faith that things will turn out for the best. All you can do is your best, without breaking a leg in a process, and the rest comes together, if its suppose to come together, period. ~ Marianne Murphy  Life’s never all about control. Sometimes it is so much kinder to oneself to …

When the Best things in life comes to you

Don’t wait to be what you can be now. Everything has a time. But, what is the perfect time to begin ? The perfect time to begin is, when you feel the inspiration. ~ Jitu Das  Working hard for the best things are not always about material things. Parents work hard to raise their children. A student works hard …