Coming out of depression is the strongest thing

People talk about depression like it's something weak

I am going through ill-health retirement with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) at the moment. What I have learnt, with all my counselling and Pure Hypnoanalysis is that it is very often the strongest of people that have mental health issues. It is the ones that over-ride their natural feelings, for whatever reason, and continue with something that is not good for them and always have a need for acceptance. Bad feelings do pass, you have to be very honest with yourself as your mind is trying to be. When you eventually reach an acceptance which is right or appropriate for you, you will become who you were always meant to be. ~ Lynda Fry

The people who have it, understand other’s plight. Sometimes though, people in denial are the most judgemental of all. Better to get real, than bury your head in the sand. Praise to all people who survive, with depression. ~ Dawn Smith

If only it felt like strength. It’s only when your over the rainbow that you can see how much you have achieved. My advice to anyone suffering. Seek help, never lose hope and keep your spirit alive. You will get through. Believe in yourself. You can overcome it. ~ Dawn Smith

Only those who have suffered from depression truly understand how difficult the struggle is. Those of you suffering, take heart. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but you have to work for it. ~ Kathy Segar

Those who talk about it being weak, have never experienced this pain. ~ Catherine Emery

Any mental health condition takes guts, determination and a strong person to live each day positively. Depression nothing to be ashamed off. ~ Adele Faulds

I would do anything I could for someone who is battling depression at this time. It isn’t fun and something you can’t always express or describe to others. You are in my prayers always. ~ Joyce Bush

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