Category: Choice
Just walk away from toxic people! Nobody can destroy your day without your permission! It’s a practice to master. It can be done! We have the ability to choose how we make things affect us. That’s what makes us different from animals! ~ Joanne Beaulieu
Even just a smile can do it! Today is a new day. Yesterday is done. We cannot do tomorrow today. (That’s a good idea). One day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time. It is well with my soul. Remind yourself of that frequently. ~ Deborah Linstead One nasty word can …
There is no time for regrets in life! Wasted time is wasted time! We only need to do something once in life to have had a wonderful experience. ~ Debbie Baker
No one can judge. Your choice, your decision. If your choice is right, it is right. If your choice is wrong, it is wrong. You can’t blame others as well. Someone just did the favor of removing themselves from my life, thankfully, as they were very judgmental about things that I haven’t done and that …
If you have found someone you truly love, that you know is your sole mate, then do everything possible within your power not to lose it, that kind of love rarely happens in life & life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. ~ Lyndsay Hay Live and don’t get lost in …
When I have acted disrespectfully, I was not aware of it, only that I was responding to fears which may or may not have had anything to do with the person I treated disrespectfully, so unaware. I may have apologized, but no one heard me. Now when others treat me without respect I might ask, “What …