Category: Choice
Tomorrow never comes. Live life positively today if you can. Also pray for your health. Miracle can always happen! Leave the past start today and face for a better tomorrow. You should always give important to the chance given to you because chance is only given once.
You deserved all the happiness in life. Life is too short, don’t spoil the every moment you are living. There are no negative things, just bad and evil people creating the harm and hard feelings. Without the negatives in life we can never learn to appreciate the positive things we have. On deployment I learned that the …
Live everyday like it is your last. We never know when it might be. ~ Mary Keller Don’t miss the chances to be with your love one. Remember life has no rewinds. ~ Lucrecia Cuartero Sometimes choosing “never” is the healthier option even if it hurts the most. ~ Kristen Behrens That’s why grab the opportunity for it, it …
Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you. It’s not pride it’s self-respect. Don’t expect to see positive changes in your life if you surround yourself with negative people. Don’t give part- time people a …
It is unfortunate when you realize you need to walk away from a relationship/friendship because your heart still cares but when you realize the other person has moved on, it hurts but the sooner you realize, the better. ~ Chantalle Bernard I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but it’s impossible to make sense out …
If you can’t love yourself, eventually no one else will. Why try to be someone you are not. People see the real you eventually. The saddest feeling is when someone you know suddenly ignores you without any reason. Take it or leave it. I am what I am. No reason to stay with someone that doesn’t …