Category: Children
My children & grandchildren are the joys of my life & I love them all dearly. ~ Patricia Tacionis We must let them know that we love them, in words and in deeds.
People need to educate them to appreciate the little things & life. Just do the best you can to teach them right. That material things is not everything & teach them to respect everyone around them & try to stay away from negativity. Teach them to be there for family, friends & others. The little things …
To return to a childhood innocence is the best medicine. ~ Samantha Garcia Children don’t learn to be happy, shame that as we get older we forget how to do it. ~ Sara Jones Happiness is not a station you arrive at. It is the manner of travelling. ~ Ashok Khurana Adults should not educate children. They have to …
My mom did religiously. Never went to bed without a kiss and hug and her telling us goodnight and she loved us. Never heard that enough. ~ Danielle Jacoby I do every time. Even if I’m going out to the shops or work, I give them a kiss and say love you. Because you never know what …
The reason why GOD tell us to be like an innocent child is to be carefree, no worry, no trouble & no hatred. A child don’t understand what is ifs and dont’s of life. He only knows happiness. ~ Mariejoy Bautista Happiness comes and goes. We must live all minutes of this ‘time’ as it would never …
My son passed on Jan.23 of this year and I will always feel his spirit. No matter what kind of relationship you had, the love never goes away. I can still hear our conversations and the many times I told him I loved him. Only a mother understands this kind of love. ~ Mary Cook It reminds …