Category: Change

You fight to hold on & let go in life

Change is never easy. I am on a routine every single day and if something changes I am not a happy girl. You have to hold on and fight everyday regardless of the situation but when having to let go it’s very hard but I just say to myself I have to hope and believe that …

A woman can’t change a man because she loves him

It is not about changing the other person. If you are truly in love, you will change without even knowing. You become less selfish, the other person’s happiness becomes your priority. Things that you may not have wanted to do before, you will find enjoyment in because of how your SO enjoys it. Unconditional true love …

If you can’t do anything about it

Focus and it can happen be positive.   As soon as you accept this, you will be free to follow your own way. Otherwise, the risk is that your life will be a complete waste of time, energy and goodness.   Turn it over to God when the burden gets too heavy. Once that weight is …

Life is too short to wake up with regrets

If you have found someone you truly love, that you know is your sole mate, then do everything possible within your power not to lose it, that kind of love rarely happens in life & life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. ~ Lyndsay Hay    Live and don’t get lost in …