Category: Change
Anything can be changed if you have the fight within yourself. One of the hardest things ever to have to do, but once you can get to that point of realizing you have no choice but to let go., then you realize you should have maybe done it sooner. ~ Tammy Eileen
I don’t think they are talking about physical pain. Mental pain is the kind of pain that has no cure. You just have to trust God to give you strength to work through it. ~ Carolyn Rush When it’s emotional pain, people don’t know what to say or how to act so they stop coming around. When …
I’m glad if I can make someone smile. Everyday is a new day, to make someone else’s day. Have fun out there peeps and always be safe. ~ Angie Secatero If only everybody could read and apply this to their lives, what a peaceful world we’d live in. ~ Diane Rowe
Just focus what I have to do right now to make everything better. I ain’t overthinking for my past and my future because it can influence my focus but still can learn from my past. ~ Rica Sihombing Forgive yourself and others for the past and don’t even think about the future. Just let your present moment …
I’ve restarted my life several times and I’ll never regret my decisions. You will never know what you’re capable of until you step out of your comfort zone and free yourself of misery. God bless each and every one’s journey. Never settle for sadness. ~ Gayle Robb
Problem is people who hand the scissors over still hold to the idea that the person with the boundaries are the “bad guy” for not wanting to accept bad behavior. They can never seem to accept responsibility for their own lives and actions, probably why they are miserable in life because life is just happening to …