Category: Change

Words are like arrows

Control your temper & more importantly control your mouth. A tongue may not have a bone but its very hurtful. Words are like arrows; once you let them loose, they do not return. You have no second chances with undoing your words. Words are double-edged swords; ‘handle with care’ If we are in the bad mood, better …

Pain Changes People

Pain is a great spiritual teacher. ~ Eckhardt Tolle Pain makes us stronger if you utilize it properly. Some people it makes better, but some people it makes bitter. Physical & emotional. Emotional pain takes a toll on the body & physical pain on the emotions. Vicious circle. Pain changes you when you don’t understand the role …

The right people will love the real you

Sometimes being yourself scares others, that’s their loss. Inside is a beat up person wearing a heavy shell around. ~ Margaret Hinkle  Change isn’t necessarily wrong if you’re changing for the better. Don’t change so that other people will like you, change so that you will love yourself. Why be lazy or afraid of change? Strive to …

Why some people simply change?

If you don’t like your life then change it. Its self awareness that make the choice of getting out being sick and tired that change happens. ~ Dora Castro  You are today where you thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. ~ James Allen Change is meant to be when you are …