Category: Change

Why some people simply change?

If you don’t like your life then change it. Its self awareness that make the choice of getting out being sick and tired that change happens. ~ Dora Castro  You are today where you thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. ~ James Allen Change is meant to be when you are …

Making a big life change is pretty scary

You have to take chances if you think its the right thing to do. Always do what you want to do and never do what others think you should do. Rather live saying, “I can’t believe I did that, then saying I wish I would have. Change is always scary , but you will never know if …

Hardest lessons in life is letting go

The trouble is people are often so cut up that when one door closes they miss the new door that’s open in front of them, but the new door always offers something better. Where would you be if you hadn’t changed, evolved, grown, loved, outgrown, discovered It’s called life. Just think of all the old to …