Category: Change
You can’t move forward with out taking a step forward. We fight the constant decision of whether to let go or hold on. The back & forth only beats you up inside. ~ Shauna Coleman In order for things to progress in the right direction there has to be change. What doesn’t kill you make …
If you’re happy and kind, you win no matter what! You can’t change anything about another person. You can make a suggestion that they may or may not care about. If your suggestion is not working it become your choice to ignore it and accept the situation or stop wasting your time if you can’t …
The only person you can change is yourself. You can’t change someone, people only change if they want to change. These people are self righteous no matter how the injustice they done. ~ Lee Hui E Inner strength and understanding of and for yourself. There is no control over others, just your reaction to …
Mean people do have a good heart too. Buried deep within there unhealed inner pain. Good hearted people live in the now. There heart is on the surface. Do good & good will come to you. ~ Anita Redmond I had a mean heart before, and sometimes I might be the mean person and not know. That is why …
Give for the things that are unworkable, and welcome changes remember even the moon changed from quarters to full moon. ~ Emilio Barbo Jr.
It’s a daily practice of learning to truly relax and some positive self talk never hurts. Learning to accept life for what it is. Look around at others, someone has worse things in life than you do. Find a peaceful way to live in the moment! ~ Teresa Brown This is the best gift you can …