Category: Change

People change for two main reasons

The most powerful and enriching lessons have come after heart breaks for me. ~ Maria White No one feel the pain you have suffered but you must walk with positive attitude because life a mysterious journey, so never give up. ~ Khalid Mallik  Our deepest pains are a reminder of the depth of our love for anyone. If …

People change for two reasons

Being Hurt will bring one to learn much. When you are hurt to the extreme you learn more and become stronger. Pain is the catalyst of change and growth. Anger appropriately applied is also a factor. How we deal determines our healing. It is not negative to be angry. It’s negative to deny it out of …

When you stop making excuses

Maturity is learning to forgive. Lend a helping hand & also try to understand peoples’ need. It also comes when we accept responsibility for our action. stop blaming others for the outcome in our lives and make the necessary changes to fix things. ~ Dorothy Beek  Maturity comes when you stop listening to ignorant people and make …

There are two types of pains

Some people get hurt but don’t change and stay in that same cycle. Others actually change either for a better life or for worse. ~ Sharon Iribe  The pain I have hurts and changes me at the same time. It will get better with time and weather. ~ Laura Myers  At this moment the pain I feel hurts …

Change is never easy

Once you let go, the good possibilities are endless.  What a relief when you finally succeed. Let it go and stop fighting,and embrace every new second in your life because there’s no room for fighting, when you are all relaxed and happy. ~ Flagmo T’ism