Category: Care

It’s less important to have more friends

It takes a fair while to learn who your real friends are. Quality is better than quantity. It is better to have only a handful of friends of whom you can trust than to have so called friends that you can’t. ~ Rick London  Much better to have friends with substance and depth but of lesser number …

When my husband was dying

True love will never die. The memories will last forever. Never close your heart because love is only good if you can give it away. To live after such a loss is the hardest thing one can go through. But you do need to spread the love you had for them around. If not for their …

The Greatest thing in Life

You should love someone unconditional, never try to change them. Everybody makes mistakes. Just some people are more fake than others. I love my real friends who are honest. Honesty is sexy, the rest are transparent and I don’t associate with. Honesty is the best. No time for anything else. ~ Alicia Catherine 

Cherish those you have in your Life

Value those you have in your life because you never know when their time (or yours) is up. The facts are we are all going to die one day. ~ Kristen Mcdonald  We tend to think we are going to be around forever and can finish unfinished business when we get to it. We need to cherish …

Fake people have an image to maintain

Real people love you for who you are, but fake people love you for what you have. The sad thing here is that those who cultivate a false image are generally deeply ashamed of who they are. Perhaps we should be more compassionate. It takes courage and the willingness to risk rejection to be your authentic …