Category: Care
Everyday is an uncertainty. To worry about it will not change it. The rough patches come but they eventually go too. Everyday is a new opportunity to start again and be brave enough to live it.
Those people are hard to find and harder to lose. Those that make time for you convey that you matter to them and value you. When they don’t, it speaks volumes. ~ Barbara Butler Cherish them because not many take time out of their busy lives to talk to you.
Those special friends who really know you. Sometimes quietness can be very noisy. If someone cares for you he/she will feel and sense something is wrong even if you don’t say a word. If you can’t understand my silence you will never understand my words.
There are people who care, your true friends and people who don’t care, not your friend is the way I see and experienced it. ~ Diane Bronicki There are people who are judge you even if they don’t know the real story.
Being open to each other’s ideas and saying what’s on your mind. It should never be a guessing game when you are in a relationship. Communication should be added to that list: Verbal and otherwise. ~ Shalena Gill My husband and I are best friends. We talk about everything and do not keep anything from each other. …
This is one of the most important thing someone can do for a friend or loved one that is suffering from depression. The important thing is not to destroy the person that was there for you when no one else was when you end that relationship. ~ Matt Godfrey A lot of people say they are there …