Category: Care
I am so blessed because my son loves to hold my hand especially during the times he could not sleep at night, because my touch and massage for him makes him relax and sleep well. ~ Grace Salinel My son is the reason for my everything I live for in life. Never believed in love at first …
You come up with some of the most truest expressions ever. Relationships require cultivation in order to grow. No matter how much we want them to, growth requires time, and for relationships with true substance to evolve, time exposes that true potential within them. Everything happens for a reason and people are placed in our lives …
When you hang out with someone you should not always check on your phone because it’s very disrespectful to others. ~ Angelina Ieng YOU OWN THE PHONE; THE PHONE IS NOT THE OWNER, YOU ARE. IT IS YOUR DECISION. ~ Rosario Larion
Think twice before we talk about to someone. Remember painful words can make heart wounded and that wound cant be cured anymore. ~ Mhorie Rol Words are powerful. Know when to be silent. The tone of your voice can make a difference too. ~ Diane King
They are the ones that you need the most in your life because they know you best or see what you don’t see. ~ Faye Stirn A person can sit there and act like they enjoy your company, but it’s the amount of the effort a person makes to being a part of your life that means …
You should be careful how you treat people because they’re human beings and it’s the right (ethical) thing to do. ~ Marty Zaleon Be kind only because it is the best representation of yourself! Treat people as human beings, not as “things”. What you do to others, you do to God.