Category: Care

Never lose yourself

We always think we can change a person if we just care for them enough. Problem is they only care for themselves and never cared for us. Time to let go. ~ Charlie Da Luz You deserve better. You are a great person. Take care of yourself, so that you can take care of others. ~ Renee’ Cruse …

Caring for myself is an act of survival

If you don’t love yourself, you depend on others to love you so you feel ok, which makes for co-dependency. The fact is, none can love you like you can. ~ Naomi Collins Take care of yourself first so you can then take care of others. ~ Rosa García God said love others like you love yourself, to …

Anyone can love you when the sun is shining

Years ago, my Grandmother told me, “If you want to know who your true friends are, “Get sick or get into trouble”. ~ Jeannie Tucker Stars are invisible during the day but it’s only in the dark can one see the stars. ~ Juliet Sierra That’s where your true friends or loved ones are. People who truly care …