Category: Belief

Don’t believe those who tell you they love you

Actions are the only way to know how someone feels. Anybody can tell you they love you all day every day but if it’s not backed up by actions, forget about it. ~ Lisa Young  On the other hand; always tell your loved ones, that you love them. You can’t expect them to know by your actions …

Believe those who show you that they love you

Actions speak louder than words and it takes time for those actions vs words to play out. However, it is easy to get caught up in the words you are being told, and, totally miss the actions of your other. The truth does, finally, come out in the end. And, after decades of experience – hurt, heartache, …

Sometimes what you are looking for in life

Sometimes the best things in life are found by accident. Just don’t look, when the time is right, it’ll come unexpectedly! We are always being moulded into what we can be, just need to have faith and trust. As soon as you like being single and are totally comfortable with it, that’s when someone comes. Life is …

The bad times in our life

Something good can come from something bad if you just look for it. If it had not been for hurricane katrina I would have not met my husband. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Always look for the good. ~ Norma Wiese  God has it all planned out, the storms are a …