Category: Belief
“Believing is living.” We are not sure of ourselves, so we have to believe in our self. How can we be sure of others. There also we have to believe. So life is not possible without “believing”. ~ Arvind Bhaink Try to smile just the moment you open your eyes in the morning and say good …
Love never goes away, never fades it just buried deep down when you were in pain. This is the romantic love which expects to be loved in return. The agape love is the principled love that you have for someone and love that person or persons unconditionally and always think of what is best for them. …
Don’t just hope, Believe! Hope is what moves us, but faith is what moves God. ~ Anna Daugherty Notice the beauty and wonder of “little things”, then something wonderful is always about to happen. Like your rose bush begins to bloom, or you get to enjoy a rainy day at home, a good nap. He blesses us …
Each day is a brand new canvass on which we can paint what we want, we just have to forgive ourselves, be as kind to ourselves as we would with others, and move forward. ~ Sharon Harkin Every day is a new day either way and everyone who breaths is living it either way. The only …
You really have to do it yourself, because while you’re waiting for someone else to do it for you, you might miss your own life and happiness. ~ Anne Heydenreich I deserve nothing but the best life. That’s my dream. The blue print, and a design that is specifically tailored for my life. Nothing puts a bigger …
If you don’t love yourself, you depend on others to love you so you feel ok, which makes for co-dependency. The fact is, none can love you like you can. ~ Naomi Collins Take care of yourself first so you can then take care of others. ~ Rosa García God said love others like you love yourself, to …