Category: Belief
Nothing stays the same forever, including bad times & it will work out . God didn’t bring you this far for it not to. Today I focus on everything that already is beautiful and worth loving in my life. ~ Mervi Huhtelin Faith is something you should never lose I should know I’m a cancer free and …
Start your day positive. Get yourself in a good mind set before you get out of bed. ~ April Cobb Thought’s become things, change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change. Never end the day with a grudge. Forgive so as to forget. ~ Zeny Benitez Start the day with an …
Never lose hope and never give up praying. Let tomorrow worries for itself. Tomorrow will surely come. Tomorrow never dies. Hope is the foundation of I’m possible Try and try until we succeed. Never stop trying. Hope is the only hope for the hopeless. Life is good enjoy what we have and never lose hope and take …
Every morning is a new beginning so I try to make it better than yesterday. Present is a fresh gift. So why we are going to ruin it with yesterday’s memories? Once we practice, it will become a habit. It’s like your “bank account” has been filled again for a new start. Each day again and …
Stay Positive! Whatever your hoping for will find you. Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life. What you believe and tell yourself is how tomorrow will be. Tomorrow will be great. Expect that tomorrow will be awesome as you continue to do this. Switch your negative thought into a positive, you’ll notice a …
“Believing is living.” We are not sure of ourselves, so we have to believe in our self. How can we be sure of others. There also we have to believe. So life is not possible without “believing”. ~ Arvind Bhaink Try to smile just the moment you open your eyes in the morning and say good …