Category: Belief
Keep the Faith, it will all work out in the end. You are stronger than you realize, but enough is enough, time for healing to begin. I see myself getting angry when I involve myself into other’s activities. I was taking a conversation and putting my side, only finding myself to be getting away from people …
It will take as long as we prolong the process by our own impatience and instant gratifications of the flesh. The time will come when we are spiritually, psychologically and emotionally ready to receive it. ~ Marlon Martin By “the perfect time” is meant the appropriate time and the appointed time after you have exercised patience. This …
You don’t have to rebuild the trust with the one who broke it. Just don’t be afraid to trust someone else. ~ Jenny Aus To trust again, not mainly the same people or person but generally trusting again, not going through life searching for flaws in people because that just makes you a bitter, hateful, spiteful person, …
Never rush something, whatever comes will always come to you at the right time. What’s meant for you, God sent it right on time. Trust God! That’s faithful thinking. Rushing usually results to imperfect and defective works. This could also apply in entering into relationships. A building standing on a substandard foundation can collapse, so is a relationship …
When they want something they are as sweet as pie. It’s time to move on. Don’t waste your time on people that isn’t willing to waste their time on you. There’s always someone who deserves you out there that will treat you right and make you happy. Don’t ask to people to act correctly with you. …
The only regrets are the chances we didn’t take. Allow yourself to move on with your life. It has so much good to offer you. It is more than worth it. You are worth it. Do not allow others cruelty to defeat you. You are not what those people think. You are you, and you know …