Category: Belief
This is what I tell the young women that I know who are so anxious to be engaged and married. What is the rush? If that person is meant to be in your life, they will be, regardless if you have a ring and piece of paper. ~ Tami Morgan You could find love at the right …
Don’t fry the brain worrying about the small things in life. Go to massage parlor, and treat your self or just simple get out and watch people walking on the street while having a nice coffee in a some food station. Time passes by and you will be amazed that even for some time, you enjoy …
The only person who can tell you to give up is yourself. Other people are not responsible for that they going to say what they are going to say. ~ Irena Duringer Never give up when you know you are in the right track. Never mind the others, it’s them not you so go on. I never ever …
Don’t believe in words believe in action! There are always warning signs. Many people just ignore the signs or their gut instincts. Every man I’ve dated who told me he loved me but was lying, I knew the truth and let him go because in the end, being with him was a waste of my time. …
It will come, just be patient. I was in the same shoes with you or worse, but all I can say is no matter how impossible it seems to reach the finish line, you will get there eventually. ~ Marie Grace It happens when you move on, let go of the one that hurt you. If you …
Your present situation is the sum of all of your choices. We all must have faith in that. Without faith in yourself you are lost. ~ Joe Riggi Who you are? That’s the biggest question before you. For the answer see your face in mirror and wait for reply time will come when you will know who your …